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Armchair Wit blog
with Roberta Sarver

Granddaddy's Ten Rules For Livin'
Age-old wisdom from an Ozark mountaineer.

Cousin Rufus on Feelings
More common sense from the old mountaineer.

Cousin Rufus Joins the Offended
The old mountaineer collides with modern culture.

Cousin Rufus's Opinions on Hirin' and Firin'
Lessons from the old mountaineer's grandson

Cousin Rufus Ponders Progress
More thoughts from the Ozark mountaineer.

Granddaddy's Ten Rules Fer Livin'
Simple words of wisdom from an Ozark mountaineer.

Cousin Rufus Ponders Progress
Wizened thoughts from the mountain philosopher.

Cousin Rufus "Settin' the Atmosphere"
Cousin Rufus attends his first gospel concert.

Cousin Rufus Recycled
Great-granddaddy Rufus teaches little Harold about old-time recycling.

Cousin Cletus Shops for a Cell Phone
How much technology do you carry in your pocket?
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