Reflections for the National Day of Prayer (Part Three)

Excerpt from newly-released book How to Pastor and Live to Tell About It: Lessons from Nehemiah by Roberta Sarver.
Available at: https://How to Pastor and Live to Tell About It: Lessons from Nehemiah: Sarver, Roberta:
The Hebrides (HEB-ruh-deez) revival in Scotland is another example of fervent prayer moving the heart and hand of God from 1949 to 1952.
Two women, one 82 and the other 84, were troubled when the young people on their island had no interest in attending church. Despite one woman being blind and the other crippled with arthritis, these siblings agreed to pray twice a week from ten o-clock at night until two or three in the morning, asking God to move on the hearts of people in their community. At the same time, men who were officers of their church met in a barn and prayed through the night twice a week for about five weeks.[i]
Results were electrifying. A spirit of conviction for sin settled down on the community. Farmers stopped their work in the fields, fell on their knees and cried to God for mercy. Weavers stopped their looms and did the same. Without any announcement of special meetings, young and old alike flocked to the church to seek the face of God. Places of ill repute closed; people paid their debts; young people gave themselves to full-time Christian service.[ii]
One more point. While it’s important for pastors to pray, it is vital for those in the pews to join them. The story below illustrates this beautifully.
Two elders’ wives sat mending their husbands’ pants. One of them said to the other, “Poor John, he is so discouraged by his church work. Just the other day, he said that he was considering resigning. It seems like nothing ever goes right for him.”
The other wife replied, “That’s too bad. My husband was saying exactly the opposite. He’s been feeling so inspired lately. It seems like he’s closer to the Lord than ever."
A heavy silence filled the room as the women continued mending the pants—one the seat and the other the knees. (Anonymous)[iii]
This year’s National Day of Prayer seems more necessary than ever. Perhaps we should take it seriously.
[i] On this site you can hear Duncan Campbell describing the revival happenings in his delightful Scottish brogue.
[ii] This is a transcript of Duncan Campbell’s message.
[iii] Henderson, Daniel, Old Paths, New Power, Moody Publishers, Chicago, 2016, p. 70
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