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What It's Like to Be a Dad

Guest post by Stephen Sarver

What’s it like being a dad?

The other day, I was sleeping late in the morning (life of someone who works late) and I heard the door open. Zade pattered in, clutching a little lawn mower.

“Daddy, my tractor broke,” he said in a concerned voice. His face was all scrunched up and sad.

I heard family members outside telling him to not wake me up, but he was fully committed.

“Can you fix it; do you want some glue?” he asked.

I rolled over and opened my eyes, rubbing them to see more clearly. The deck had come off, so I tried to figure out how to reattach it. After twenty seconds or so I managed to snap it back in place, good as new.

I handed it back and the excitement in his eyes made my heart melt. “There you go buddy, all fixed”.

“He fixed it! Daddy fixed it” he shrieked as he ran out of the room.

And just like that, I realized I was the first person he ran to when he needed something fixed.

The feeling I got is unlike any emotion I’ve ever felt. You want to know what being a dad is like? It’s the best thing on earth. Dear God, please don’t let him grow up.

Any thoughts about dads? Feel free to use the comment box below and tell us your experience--as a dad or a child.


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